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Product Line Length Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Product Line Length trivia questions and answers, product line length quiz answers PDF to solve marketing management mock test 81 for online degrees. Practice Product Strategy Setting trivia questions and answers, product line length Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve marketing test with answers for online marketing degree. Free product line length MCQs, what is brand equity, business unit strategic planning, price change, competitive strategies for market leaders, product line length test prep for colleges that offer business administration.

"The two ways in which a Company lengthens its carrying product line are", product line length Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices average widening, line consistency and depth, line widening, and line filling and stretching to learn distance learning courses. Learn product strategy setting questions and answers with free online certification courses for online bachelor's degree in business.

Trivia Quiz on Product Line Length PDF Download eBook

Product Line Length Quiz

MCQ: The two ways in which a Company lengthens its carrying product line are

  1. line consistency and depth
  2. average widening
  3. line widening
  4. line filling and stretching


Competitive Strategies for Market Leaders Quiz

MCQ: The copy which is made of the market leader's product but differentiates its pricing and distribution strategies is classified as

  1. counterfeiter
  2. cloner
  3. imitator
  4. adapter


Price Change Quiz

MCQ: The problem arises in price cut when the customer's assume that quality of product has become poor is called

  1. low-quality trap
  2. fragile-market-share trap
  3. shallow-pockets trap
  4. price-war traps


Business Unit Strategic Planning Quiz

MCQ: A challenge that is posed in the absence of defensive marketing leading to lower sales is called

  1. environmental threat
  2. environmental opportunity
  3. environmental strength
  4. environmental weakness


What is Brand Equity Quiz

MCQ: The highly energized differentiation, esteem, knowledge and relevance are shown by

  1. leadership brands
  2. declining brands
  3. strong brands
  4. evident brands