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General Nutrition Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn General nutrition worksheet with answers PDF, general nutrition MCQ with answers to practice O level biology test 210 for online job interview. Practice Nutrition in General trivia questions and answers, general nutrition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free general nutrition MCQs, simple carbohydrates, photosynthesis in plants, habitat specialization due to salinity, disadvantages of excess vitamins, general nutrition test prep for schools that offer online degrees.

"Liver produces urea to remove excess", general nutrition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and starch to study online certification courses. Learn nutrition in general questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for free online college courses.

Trivia Quiz on General Nutrition PDF Download eBook

General Nutrition Quiz

MCQ: Liver produces urea to remove excess

  1. hydrogen
  2. hydrogen peroxide
  3. nitrogen
  4. starch


Disadvantages of Excess Vitamins Quiz

MCQ: Calcification of kidneys is caused due to

  1. lack of dietary fiber
  2. excess of sugar
  3. excess of starch
  4. excess of fat-soluble vitamins


Habitat specialization due to salinity Quiz

MCQ: For most types of fresh water organisms, best water has a

  1. pH above 8
  2. pH below 8
  3. pH almost 7
  4. pH below 7


Photosynthesis in Plants Quiz

MCQ: Carbon dioxide (CO2) taken in night is stored in form of

  1. dark energy
  2. chemical energy
  3. physical energy
  4. carbon monoxide


Simple Carbohydrates Quiz

MCQ: Functions of the carbohydrates (CnH2mOm) include all but production of

  1. amino acids
  2. fats
  3. cellulose cell wall
  4. antibodies to combat disease