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Product Line Length Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Product Line Length quiz questions and answers, product line length MCQs with answers PDF to solve marketing management worksheet 67 for online graduate programs. Practice Product Strategy Setting quiz questions with answers, product line length Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve marketing test with answers for online marketing degree. Free product line length MCQs, marketing and customer value, service mix categories, components of modern marketing information system, differential pricing, product line length test prep for online colleges for business administration.

"The product line stretches in which a Company wants to enter into new high end market to seek higher margins and more growth opportunities is called", product line length Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices down-market stretch, left-market stretch, up-market stretch, and two-way stretch to learn online marketing courses. Learn product strategy setting questions and answers with free online certification courses for online BBA degree.

Quiz on Product Line Length PDF Download eBook

Product Line Length Quiz

MCQ: The product line stretches in which a Company wants to enter into new high end market to seek higher margins and more growth opportunities is called

  1. left-market stretch
  2. down-market stretch
  3. up-market stretch
  4. Two-way stretch


Differential Pricing Quiz

MCQ: The image pricing, location pricing, channel pricing and time pricing are all types of price discrimination of

  1. First degree
  2. Second degree
  3. Third degree
  4. Fourth degree


Components of Modern Marketing information System Quiz

MCQ: The combo sites for product reviews and expert opinions are classified as

  1. marketing intelligence on internet
  2. field work
  3. marketing management
  4. building marketing records


Service Mix Categories Quiz

MCQ: The categories of services mix and intangible are classified as the example of

  1. pure tangible goods
  2. pure services
  3. tangible goods with accompanying services
  4. major service with minor goods


Marketing and Customer Value Quiz

MCQ: The 'operations, sales and services' are the part of firm's value chain

  1. marketing activities
  2. financial activities
  3. raw materials
  4. primary activities