BBA Management Online Courses

Chapter 8: BBA Marketing Management Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management MCQs - Chapter 8

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 4

Free Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Trivia Questions, Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Quiz Answers PDF Download, Book Ch. 8-4 to study BBA Marketing Management Online Course. Solve Building Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty MCQs, Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships quiz questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Trivia App Download: Free educational app for maximizing customer lifetime value, cultivating customer relationships career test for online colleges for business administration.

The MCQ Quiz: A company's monetary, time and energy cost, all are included in; "Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships" App APK Download (Free) with answers psychological cost, total customer cost, personal benefits, and image benefits for master of science in marketing. Practice building customer value, satisfaction and loyalty quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for online BBA degree.

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: A company's monetary, time and energy cost, all are included in

  1. total customer cost
  2. psychological cost
  3. personal benefits
  4. image benefits

MCQ 17: A person or company that yields a revenue more than the incurred costs of selling and serving is called

  1. dissatisfaction
  2. superior value
  3. profitable customers
  4. satisfied customers

MCQ 18: The customer's lifetime purchases that generate the net present value of future profit streams is called

  1. customer lifetime value
  2. customer purchases value
  3. customer cost incurred
  4. customer relationships

MCQ 19: The 'total customer benefits' include

  1. product benefits
  2. services benefit
  3. image benefit
  4. all of the above

MCQ 20: The programs designed for customers which is limited to any affinity group are classified as

  1. club membership programs
  2. royalty programs
  3. loyalty programs
  4. group membership programs

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Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships App (Android & iOS)

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships App (Android & iOS)

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