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Arthropods: Blueprints for Success Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 15

Arthropods Blueprints for Success quiz questions and answers PDF to download arthropods blueprints for success MCQ worksheets with answers key, phylum test 15 for online degrees. Practice subphylum crustacea: class malacostraca MCQs, Arthropods Blueprints for Success MCQ questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn subphylum crustacea: class malacostraca, subphylum chelicerata: class merostomata, subphylum trilobitomorpha, subphylum chelicerata: class arachnida, phylum arthropoda career test for best online colleges.

"In crustaceans, the fourth and fifth pairs of the appendages are used for handling food, named as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on arthropods blueprints for success with choices mandibles, maxilla, exopodite, and endopodite to learn online tutor courses. Practice subphylum crustacea: class malacostraca quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for free online college courses.

Arthropods Blueprints for Success Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 15

MCQ: In crustaceans, the fourth and fifth pairs of the appendages are used for handling food, named as

  1. maxilla
  2. mandibles
  3. exopodite
  4. endopodite


MCQ: The horseshoe crab has an

  1. open digestive system
  2. open circulatory system
  3. open reproductive system
  4. operculum


MCQ: Trilobitomorpha crawl on the substrate feeds mainly on the

  1. annelids only
  2. mollusks only
  3. algae
  4. annelids and mollusks


MCQ: Most of the arthropods are

  1. viviparous
  2. ovoviviparous
  3. oviparous
  4. all of above


MCQ: The exoskeleton of the arthropods is made up of

  1. lipids
  2. proteins
  3. chitin
  4. cellulose