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Arthropods: Blueprints for Success MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook p. 2

Arthropods Blueprints for Success MCQ with answers PDF to solve arthropods blueprints for success quiz worksheets with answers key, phylum worksheets 2 for online degree programs. Practice subphylum chelicerata Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Arthropods Blueprints for Success quiz with answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn subphylum chelicerata, subphylum chelicerata: class arachnida, phylum arthropoda: subphylum crustacea career test for online college courses.

"The first pincer-like pair of appendages are called as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on arthropods blueprints for success with choices cirri, feeding appendages, chelicerae, and protostome to learn certification courses online. Practice subphylum chelicerata quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online certificate courses.

MCQs on Arthropods Blueprints for Success PDF Download eBook 2

MCQ: The first pincer-like pair of appendages are called as

  1. feeding appendages
  2. cirri
  3. chelicerae
  4. protostome


MCQ: In contrast to female spiders, male spiders attract the female spider by plucking the strands of

  1. female body
  2. appendages
  3. female's web
  4. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)


MCQ: Black widow spider is an exception but its venom is very toxic for

  1. pigs
  2. horses
  3. human
  4. goats


MCQ: The genital openings of the arachnids are present on the ventral side of the

  1. first abdominal segment
  2. peristome
  3. termination appendages
  4. second abdominal appendages


MCQ: Crayfish, lobsters, and shrimps are included in the subphylum

  1. annelids
  2. Arachnida
  3. crustacea
  4. Mammalia