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Islamic Banking Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 9 PDF Download

Islamic Banking Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), islamic banking quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 9 for online MBA degree programs.

"The prevention of a risk free return and authorization of trading, as enshrined in the Verse" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on islamic banking with choices 2:276 of the holy quran, 2:278 of the holy quran, 2:275 of the holy quran, and 2:273 of the holy quran for MBA online degree programs. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning risk sharing quiz questions for schools with online MBA programs.

MCQs on Islamic Banking Quiz 9 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: prevention of a risk free return and authorization of trading, as enshrined in Verse

  1. 2:278 of Holy Quran
  2. 2:276 of Holy Quran
  3. 2:275 of Holy Quran
  4. 2:273 of Holy Quran


MCQ: A key concern for Muslims states and recently Islamic banks are

  1. loans
  2. advances
  3. microfinance
  4. premium


MCQ: Losses are shared by each partner in ratio to their

  1. work
  2. profit
  3. loss
  4. capital


MCQ: Islamic Shariah forbids

  1. all loss on capital
  2. all gains on loans
  3. all gains on bonds
  4. all gains on capital


MCQ: A coupon given willingly by a debtor in return for a credit is

  1. bound
  2. hibah
  3. gift
  4. b& c