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OWL and RDF/RDFS Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve OWL and RDF/RDFS multiple choice questions and answers PDF, owl and rdf/rdfs quiz answers to learn semantic web worksheet 20 for online mock test. Practice Web Ontology Language OWL quiz with answers, owl and rdf/rdfs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free owl and rdf/rdfs MCQs, ontology engineering, owl in owl, rule markup language (ruleml), structuring of xml language, owl and rdf/rdfs test prep for computer information science.

"The acronym for RACER is", owl and rdf/rdfs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices renamed abox and concept expression?reasoner, renamed and concept expression?reasoner, renamed abox concept expression?reasoner, and renamed abox and concept experiment?reasoner for computer science bachelor degree online.

OWL and RDF/RDFS Questions and Answers PDF Download 20


MCQ: The acronym for RACER is

  1. Renamed and Concept Expression?Reasoner
  2. Renamed ABox and Concept Expression?Reasoner
  3. Renamed ABox Concept Expression?Reasoner
  4. Renamed ABox and Concept Experiment?Reasoner


Structuring of XML Language Quiz

MCQ: In XML schema, the restricted data type used for maximum cardinality constraint is

  1. minOccurs
  2. use
  3. type
  4. maxOccurs


Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Quiz

MCQ: In datalog RuleML vocabulary, the word used for constant is

  1. Var
  2. Ind
  3. Rel
  4. Asserted Atom


OWL in OWL Quiz

MCQ: The most specific class in OWL is

  1. equivalent
  2. nothing
  3. anonymous
  4. equivalent


Ontology Engineering Quiz

MCQ: The most generic ontologies that are not domain specific is called

  1. lower-level ontologies
  2. general ontologies
  3. famous ontologies
  4. Upper-level ontologies