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Bitwise Operators MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 35

Solve Bitwise Operators multiple choice questions and answers PDF, bitwise operators quiz answers PDF to learn web development worksheet 35 for online mock test. Practice Flow Control quiz questions, bitwise operators Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online computer science degree. Free bitwise operators MCQs, delegates, type conversion, bitwise operators test prep for programming certifications.

"The bit shift operators are", bitwise operators Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices binary, unary, there are such operators as bitshift, and bitshift operators are not a part of c# language for computer science degree programs. Learn flow control questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Bitwise Operators Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 35

Bitwise Operators Quiz

MCQ: The bit shift operators are

  1. unary
  2. binary
  3. there are such operators as bitshift
  4. bitshift operators are not a part of c# language


Type conversion Quiz

MCQ: Choose the valid statement

  1. doubleResult = floatVal + (shortVal * floatVal);
  2. floatResult = floatVal + (shortVal * floatVal);
  3. intResult = floatVal + (shortVal * floatVal);
  4. doubleResult = floatVal + (shortVal * floatVal)


Delegates Quiz

MCQ: A delegate is a type that enables you to store references to

  1. stack
  2. variables
  3. functions
  4. arrays


Arrays Quiz

MCQ: The correct way to define and initialize an array of 4 integers is

  1. int[] a = {25, 30, 40, 5}
  2. int[] a a = new int[4] a[0] = 25 a[1] = 30 a[2] = 40 a[3] = 5
  3. int[] a a = new int[4]{25, 30, 40, 5}
  4. All of the above


Arrays Quiz

MCQ: The advantage of using 2D jagged array over 2D rectangular array is

  1. Easy initialization of elements
  2. that it allows unlimited elements as well as rows which had ?0? or are empty in nature
  3. that they are easy to use
  4. that it does not allows unlimited elements as well as rows which had ?0? or are empty in nature