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Object Oriented Programming MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 32

Solve Object Oriented Programming multiple choice questions and answers PDF, object oriented programming quiz answers PDF to learn web development worksheet 32 for online mock test. Practice Advanced Topics in C# quiz questions, object oriented programming Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online computer science degree. Free object oriented programming MCQs, string, just in time compiler and common intermediate language, object oriented programming test prep for programming certifications.

"The initialization of an object is called its", object oriented programming Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices construction, creation, destruction, and decleration for online software engineering classes. Learn advanced topics in c# questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Object Oriented Programming Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 32

Object Oriented Programming Quiz

MCQ: The initialization of an object is called its

  1. creation
  2. construction
  3. destruction
  4. decleration


Just In Time compiler and Common Intermediate Language Quiz

MCQ: What does CIL stands for

  1. Command Information Library
  2. Computational Intelligence Laboratory
  3. Community Information Line
  4. Common Intermediate Language


String Quiz

MCQ: The method for used for string comparison is

  1. CopyTo()
  2. Copy()
  3. Compare()
  4. CompareTo()


Functions Quiz

MCQ: The correct way of writing a C# function is

  1. static void Write() { Console.WriteLine("Text output from function."); }
  2. static int Write() { Console.WriteLine("Text output from function."); }
  3. static void Write(); { Console.WriteLine("Text output from function."); }
  4. public bool Write(); { Console.WriteLine("Text output from function."); }


Just In Time compiler and Common Intermediate Language Quiz

MCQ: Which of the following are the benefits of metadata in .NET

  1. Self-describing files
  2. Language interoperability and easier component-based design
  3. a and b
  4. data about classes