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Functions MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 14

Solve Functions multiple choice questions and answers PDF, functions quiz answers PDF to learn web development worksheet 14 for online mock test. Practice Functions in C# quiz questions, functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online computer science degree. Free functions MCQs, string, structures, boolean logic, arrays, functions test prep for programming certifications.

"The functions of C# have the following properties", functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices functions can be called recursively., functions can not be nested, if we do not return a value from a function then a value -1 gets returned., and both b and c to learn online classes courses. Learn functions in c# questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Functions Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 14

Functions Quiz

MCQ: The functions of C# have the following properties

  1. Functions can not be nested
  2. Functions can be called recursively.
  3. If we do not return a value from a function then a value -1 gets returned.
  4. both b and c


Arrays Quiz

MCQ: The method used to copy content from one array to another array is

  1. Copy()
  2. copy()
  3. arr.cpy()
  4. cpy()


Boolean Logic Quiz

MCQ: Data type used to hold the result of a comparison is

  1. string
  2. double
  3. bool
  4. char


Structures Quiz

MCQ: The correct way to define a variable of the type struct Emp declared below is <br/> <code> struct Emp { private String name; private int age; private Single sal; } </code>

  1. Emp e(); e = new Emp();
  2. Emp e = new Emp;
  3. Emp e = new Emp();
  4. Emp e; e = new Emp;


String Quiz

MCQ: Correct way to convert a string to uppercase using string class method()

  1. Upper()
  2. ToUpper()
  3. Object.ToUpper()
  4. objUpper()