Computer Science Online Courses

Chapter 9: C++ Exam Tests

C++ MCQs - Chapter 9

Functions in C++ Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 7

The Book Functions in C++ Quiz Questions and Answers, Functions in C++ Quiz PDF Download, Free Ch. 9-7 to study C++ Online Course. Practice C++ Functions MCQs, Functions in C++ MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Functions in C++ Quiz App Download: Free learning app for recursion, passing by value and reference, permutation function, functions in c++ career test for online computer science and engineering.

The Quiz: Functions body is also referred as; "Functions in C++" App Download iOS & Android (Free) with answers block, class, compound statement for online degree programs. Study c++ functions quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for top computer science schools.

Functions in C++ Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 7

MCQ 31: The functions body is also referred as

  1. Class
  2. Block
  3. Compound statement
  4. All of them

MCQ 32: Recursive call is also known as

  1. Complex calls
  2. Operator call
  3. Recursion step
  4. None of them

MCQ 33: Int &x; this syntax is used when

  1. x is passed by value
  2. x is passed by reference
  3. x is declared outside the function
  4. None of them

MCQ 34: A permutation is an arrangement of elements taken form

  1. Infinite set
  2. Finite set
  3. Characters
  4. Strings

MCQ 35: To declare identifiers for variables and functions of static storage class, which keywords are used?

  1. extern keyword
  2. static keyword
  3. global keyword
  4. Both A and B

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