Computer Science Online Courses

Chapter 9: C++ Exam Tests

C++ MCQs - Chapter 9

Functions in C++ Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 11

The Book Functions in C++ Quiz Questions and Answers, Functions in C++ Quiz PDF Download, Free Ch. 9-11 to study C++ Online Course. Practice Functions in C++ MCQs, Functions in C++ MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Functions in C++ Quiz App Download: Free learning app for header files, passing by value and reference, function prototypes, passing by constant reference career test for free online classes.

The Quiz: A function in C++ that does not return a value is declared with; "Functions in C++" App Download iOS & Android (Free) with answers void return type, empty return type, endl return type and getchar return type to learn online classes courses. Study functions in c++ quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for best online schools for computer science.

Functions in C++ Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 11

MCQ 51: A function in C++ that does not return a value is declared with

  1. Empty return type
  2. Void return type
  3. Endl return type
  4. Getchar return type

MCQ 52: Which standard library header file is used for functions prototype for standard input and output functions?

MCQ 53: Which statement is correct about Passing by value parameters?

  1. It cannot change the actual parameter value
  2. It can change the actual parameter value
  3. Parameters is always in read-write mode
  4. None of them

MCQ 54: A portion of a function prototype that includes the name of the function, and the types of its arguments is called

  1. Prototype definition
  2. Function definition
  3. Function signature
  4. None of them

MCQ 55: A function that tells the compiler to replace each call with explicit code, is called

  1. Square function
  2. Inline function
  3. Outside function
  4. None of them

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Functions in C++ App (Android & iOS)

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