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Biology Practice Test Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Biology practice test quiz questions and answers PDF, biology practice test MCQ with answers to solve O level biology worksheet 316 for online past papers exam. Practice Nutrition in General quiz questions with answers, biology practice test Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free biology practice test MCQs, photosynthesis in plants, biotechnology and fermentation products: biology, starch, nutrition: introduction, biology practice test test prep for best ACT prep courses online.

"Heart has to work harder to pump blood round the body in an", biology practice test Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices infant, embryo, obese person, and athlete to learn distance learning courses. Learn nutrition in general questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges for science.

Quiz on Biology Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Biology Practice Test Quiz

MCQ: Heart has to work harder to pump blood round the body in an

  1. embryo
  2. infant
  3. obese person
  4. athlete


Nutrition: Introduction Quiz

MCQ: In hot climates, average water consumption must be

  1. 3 Liters
  2. 4 Liters
  3. 8 gallons
  4. 4 gallons


Starch Quiz

MCQ: Common test for starch presence is

  1. Benedict Test
  2. Iodine test
  3. Biuret Test
  4. Bromine Test


Biotechnology and Fermentation Products: Biology Quiz

MCQ: Example of aeration device includes

  1. sparger
  2. impeller
  3. cooling jacket
  4. internal coils


Photosynthesis in Plants Quiz

MCQ: Water molecule is split into hydrogen and oxygen in

  1. light dependent stage
  2. light independent stage
  3. photolysis of water
  4. oxidation reaction