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Food Chain and Web Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Food chain and web trivia questions and answers PDF, food chain and web multiple choice questions and answers PDF 314 to learn O level biology worksheet 314 for online board exam 2021. Practice Ecology O level Biology quiz with answers, food chain and web Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free food chain and web MCQs, parts of flower, proteins, food chain and web test prep for college entrance exams.

"In a food chain, organisms", food chain and web Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices provides food for succeeding organisms only, feed on preceding one only, provide more energy for the next trophic level, and feed on preceding one and provides food for succeeding organisms to study online certification courses. Learn ecology o level biology questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for ACT prep classes.

Food Chain & Web Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Food Chain and Web Quiz

MCQ: In a food chain, organisms

  1. feed on preceding one only
  2. provides food for succeeding organisms only
  3. provide more energy for the next trophic level
  4. feed on preceding one and provides food for succeeding organisms


Proteins Quiz

MCQ: Pancreatic juice helps in the conversion of proteins to polypeptides, through enzyme known as

  1. pepsin
  2. erepsin
  3. trypsin
  4. enterokinase


Food Chain and Web Quiz

MCQ: Trophic level refers to the

  1. axis around the earth
  2. stage in an ecological niche
  3. stage in a food chain
  4. energy level in a food web


Parts of Flower Quiz

MCQ: Androecium is also known as

  1. stamen
  2. pistil
  3. filament
  4. anther


Hormones: Endocrine Glands Quiz

MCQ: Adrenal medulla produces adrenaline upon receiving nerve impulses from

  1. Brain
  2. kidney
  3. spinal cord
  4. adrenal glands