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Introduction to Financial Markets Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download eBook p. 5

Introduction to Financial Markets MCQ questions and answers PDF, introduction to financial markets quiz answers PDF, financial markets test 5 for online classes. Learn types of financial institutions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Introduction to Financial Markets quiz questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn types of financial institutions, financial markets, mortgage backed securities, money market and capital market career test for online schools for business management.

"The transfer of financial instruments from suppliers of funds to users of funds without any intermediary in between is classified as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on introduction to financial markets with choices pension transfer, global transfer, direct transfer, and indirect transfer for online finance masters programs. Practice types of financial institutions quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online business university.

MCQs on Introduction to Financial Markets PDF Download eBook

MCQ: The transfer of financial instruments from suppliers of funds to users of funds without any intermediary in between is classified as

  1. global transfer
  2. pension transfer
  3. direct transfer
  4. indirect transfer


MCQ: The type of financial markets in which the corporations issues new funds to raise funds is classified as

  1. flow market
  2. primary markets
  3. secondary markets
  4. funding markets


MCQ: The type of security backed by mortgage cash flows and are packed by financial instruments is classified as

  1. cash mortgage
  2. securitized mortgage
  3. financial mortgage
  4. instrumental mortgage


MCQ: The markets in which transactions are done through computers and telephone without any specific location are classified as

  1. past counter market
  2. future counter market
  3. over the counter markets
  4. capital counter market


MCQ: The institutions deal in financial functions and protects corporations and individuals against accidents, theft and death are considered as

  1. penalty companies
  2. insurance companies
  3. events dealers
  4. protecting companies