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Introduction to Financial Markets Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download eBook p. 2

Introduction to Financial Markets MCQ questions and answers PDF, introduction to financial markets quiz answers PDF, financial markets test 2 for online classes. Learn foreign exchange markets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Introduction to Financial Markets quiz questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn foreign exchange markets, money market and capital market, risk management and financial institutions career test for best online colleges for business administration.

"The depository institutions such as thrifts include" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on introduction to financial markets with choices savings banks, savings associations, credit unions, and all of the above for online business management degrees. Practice foreign exchange markets quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online bachelor's degree in business management.

MCQs on Introduction to Financial Markets PDF Download eBook

MCQ: The depository institutions such as thrifts include

  1. savings associations
  2. savings banks
  3. credit unions
  4. all of the above


MCQ: The money market where debt and stocks are traded and maturity period is more than a year is classified as

  1. shorter term markets
  2. capital markets
  3. counter markets
  4. long-term markets


MCQ: The example of derivative securities include

  1. swap contract
  2. option contract
  3. futures contract
  4. all of the above


MCQ: In foreign financial markets, the growth is represented by the factors such as

  1. savings in foreign countries
  2. investment opportunities
  3. accessible information
  4. all of the above


MCQ: The authority which intervenes directly or indirectly in foreign exchange markets by altering the interest rates is considered as

  1. centralized instruments
  2. centralized stocks
  3. central government
  4. central corporations