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Reptiles: First Amniotes Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 4

Reptiles First Amniotes mock test for exam PDF to learn reptiles first amniotes trivia worksheets with answers key, phylum test 4 for online courses. Solve class reptilia: order rhynchocephalia MCQs, Reptiles First Amniotes MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn class reptilia: order rhynchocephalia, class reptilia: order testudines, class reptilia: order squamata, class reptilia: order crocodilia career test for best online colleges.

"The bones of the reptiles are covered by" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on reptiles first amniotes with choices chitin, calcium, keratin, and vitamin d for online certificate programs. Practice class reptilia: order rhynchocephalia quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online undergraduate degree.

MCQs on Reptiles First Amniotes Quiz PDF Download eBook 4

MCQ: The bones of the reptiles are covered by

  1. calcium
  2. chitin
  3. keratin
  4. vitamin D


MCQ: The fertilization in the reptiles is

  1. internal
  2. external
  3. invitro fertilization
  4. none of above


MCQ: Sphenodon puncatus, the only member of the order Rhynchocephalia found in

  1. America
  2. New Zealand
  3. South Africa
  4. United Kingdom


MCQ: The identified number of the species in the suborder Serpentes is

  1. 3400 species
  2. 2300 species
  3. 3450 species
  4. 4000 species


MCQ: Living crocodilians includes

  1. crocodiles
  2. alligators
  3. gavials
  4. all of above