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Chapter 14: Phylum Exam Tests

Phylum MCQs - Chapter 14

Multicellular and Tissue Levels Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

Free Multicellular and Tissue Levels Trivia Questions and Answers, Multicellular and Tissue Levels quiz answers PDF, test 4 to download online phylum Course. Solve Phylum Porifera MCQs, Multicellular and Tissue Levels MCQs questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free educational app: Multicellular and Tissue Levels Trivia App Download & e-Book for phylum cnidaria career test for online degree programs.

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Multicellular and Tissue Levels Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: A thin flat cell that covers the outer surface of the sponges are called

A) porocytes
B) chondrocytes
C) pinacocytes
D) leukocytes

MCQ 17: The process in which at a certain point in the life of an organism, the organism changes its sex is called

A) alternation
B) switch
C) protandry
D) dioceous

MCQ 18: The special characteristic of cnidarians, having two body forms, known as

A) dioceous
B) monoicous
C) alternation of generation
D) hermaphrodite

MCQ 19: The needle-like spikes present on the skeleton of the sponges are called

A) needles
B) stinging cells
C) defensive cells
D) spicules

MCQ 20: In coelenterates, the embryo elongates to form free-swimming and ciliated larvae called

A) trochophore
B) planula
C) Higgins larva
D) tadpole

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Multicellular and Tissue Levels App (Android & iOS)

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