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Molluscan Success Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 9

Molluscan Success multiple choice questions and answers PDF to practice molluscan success MCQ worksheets with answers key, phylum test 9 for online certification. Learn phylum mollusca: class monoplacophora MCQs, Molluscan Success trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn phylum mollusca: class monoplacophora, phylum mollusca: class polyplacophora, phylum mollusca: class scaphopoda, phylum mollusca: class gastropoda, molluscan characteristics career test for accredited distance learning universities.

"Since 1952, the monoplacophora are being well known in" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on molluscan success with choices unicellular form, fossils form, multicellular form, and living form to learn online certificate courses. Practice phylum mollusca: class monoplacophora quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online undergraduate degree.

MCQs on Molluscan Success Quiz PDF Download eBook 9

MCQ: Since 1952, the monoplacophora are being well known in

  1. fossils form
  2. unicellular form
  3. multicellular form
  4. living form


MCQ: In the Polyplacophora, the process of fertilization is

  1. internal
  2. external
  3. vary
  4. all of above


MCQ: Scaphpodans are also named as

  1. tooth shells only
  2. tusk shells only
  3. headed shells
  4. tooth and tusk shells


MCQ: Blood is confined to the tissue spaces for the support, such skeleton is known to be

  1. hydraulic skeleton
  2. pelvic skeleton
  3. cartilaginous structure
  4. bones


MCQ: The study of similarities and differences in the early development of an animal is called

  1. development
  2. comparative embryology
  3. embryology
  4. endocrinology