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Echinoderms Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Echinoderms multiple choice questions and answers PDF to practice echinoderms MCQ worksheets with answers key, phylum test 1 for online certification. Learn phylum echinodermata: class echinoidea MCQs, Echinoderms trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn phylum echinodermata: class echinoidea, general characteristics of echinoderms, phylum echinodermata: class asteroidea career test for colleges that offer online degrees.

"Chewing apparatus in the sea urchin is named as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on echinoderms with choices chemoreceptors, aristotle's lantern, photoreceptors, and sinus glands to learn online professional courses. Practice phylum echinodermata: class echinoidea quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online associates degree.

MCQs on Echinoderms Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: Chewing apparatus in the sea urchin is named as

  1. Aristotle's lantern
  2. chemoreceptors
  3. photoreceptors
  4. sinus glands


MCQ: The sea urchin has the characteristic feature of

  1. Aristotle s lantern
  2. spines
  3. bristles
  4. tube feet


MCQ: In the sea star, the stomach has

  1. 2 compartments
  2. 3 compartments
  3. single bag
  4. 5 regions


MCQ: The members of the echinoids have a large

  1. arm
  2. disk
  3. coelom
  4. foot


MCQ: Some species of the echinoderms i.e. sea star has the pincher like structure are called

  1. pedicellariae
  2. dermal branchiae
  3. arms
  4. disk