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Animal like Protist: Protozoa MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook p. 2

Animal like Protist Protozoa MCQ with answers PDF to solve animal like protist protozoa quiz worksheets with answers key, phylum worksheets 2 for online degree programs. Practice life and single plasma membrane Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Animal like Protist Protozoa quiz with answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn life and single plasma membrane, classification of protozoa, symbiotic life styles of protozoa career test for online masters programs.

"The extra water from the body of protozoa is removed by the help of" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on animal like protist protozoa with choices vacuole, mitochondria, contractile vacuole, and food vacuole to learn certification courses online. Practice life and single plasma membrane quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online certificate courses.

MCQs on Animal like Protist Protozoa PDF Download eBook 2

MCQ: The extra water from the body of protozoa is removed by the help of

  1. mitochondria
  2. vacuole
  3. contractile vacuole
  4. food vacuole


MCQ: The member of subphylum Mastigophora move with the help of

  1. cilia
  2. foot
  3. flagella
  4. whip


MCQ: Volvox reproduces sexually during

  1. winter
  2. autumn
  3. spring
  4. summer


MCQ: The pseudopodia that are filamentous and contain central axis of microtubules is called

  1. filopodia
  2. rhizopodia
  3. lobopodia
  4. axopodia


MCQ: In the symbiotic association of two organisms, one is benefited while other is neither benefited nor harmed, a biological phenomenon is known as

  1. commensalism
  2. parasitism
  3. mutualism
  4. parasitism