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Molecular Biology Practice Test 93

Solutions Surface Tension Adsorption and Isotopes Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 93

The e-Book Solutions Surface Tension Adsorption and Isotopes Quiz Questions, solutions surface tension adsorption and isotopes quiz answers PDF download, chapter 15-93 to study online biology degree courses. Practice Overview of bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry MCQ with answers PDF, Solutions Surface Tension Adsorption and Isotopes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: Solutions, Surface Tension, Adsorption and Isotopes Quiz App Download & e-Book for electrophoresis and photometry, approaches for gene therapy, gene regulation-general, immune system, cells and immunity in health and disease, solutions, surface tension, adsorption and isotopes test prep for free online college courses.

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Solutions Surface Tension Adsorption and Isotopes Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 93

MCQ 461: The efficiency of the buffer to maintain its constant pH known as

A) Buffering capacity
B) Maintaining ability
C) Resistivity
D) Control

MCQ 462: The thymus gland is situated above the

A) Liver
B) Heart
C) Kidney
D) Stomach

MCQ 463: A gene whose expression depends on the position in Cell Cycle or responsive to either environmental changes called as

A) Pseudogene
B) Inducible gene
C) Housekeeping gene
D) Jumping gene

MCQ 464: Totipotent embryonic stem cells having the ability to divide and differentiate into many cell types classified as

A) Tissues
B) Blood cells
C) Bone marrow cells
D) Macrophages

MCQ 465: The device used to measure the parameters of the fluorescence known as

A) Flame photometry
B) Fluorimetry
C) Ultracentrifugation
D) Photometry

Molecular Biology Exam Prep Tests

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