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Microbiology Practice Tests

Microbiology Online Tests

Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells MCQ PDF Book) to learn online microbiology degree courses. Study Genetics of Bacterial Cells Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells quiz answers PDF to study online biological science courses. Free learning app: Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells MCQ App Download & e-Book for transfer of dna within and between bacterial cells, bacterial genetics test prep for online masters programs.

The MCQ: Process of mating through which two bacterial cells transfer their DNA a cell acts as a host while other as the recipient the process is known as; "Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells" App Download (Free) with answers transduction, transformation, conjugations and mating to study online biological science courses. Practice transfer of dna within and between bacterial cells quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for free online courses.

Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The process of mating through which two bacterial cells transfer their DNA a cell acts as a host while other as the recipient the process is known as

A) Transduction
B) Transformation
C) Conjugations
D) Mating

MCQ 2: The transfer of DNA from one bacterial cell to another is carried out by

A) Conjugation
B) Transduction
C) Transformation
D) all of above

MCQ 3: Recipient bacteria in conjugation are usually

A) Female bacterium
B) Male bacterium
C) Bacterium
D) E.Coli

MCQ 4: Pilin is an important protein that forms the conjugation tube during the process of conjugation the process is named as

A) Tube
B) Pilus
C) Pilin
D) Pilin tube

MCQ 5: During conjugation, the process of mating is controlled by

A) F plasmid
B) Fertility plasmid
C) F factored
D) all of above

Microbiology Practice Tests

Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells App (Android & iOS)

Transfer of DNA within and between Bacterial Cells App (Android & iOS)

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