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Histology Practice Test 69

Synapses Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 69

Free Synapses Quiz Questions and Answers, Synapses Quiz PDF Download, Book Ch. 27-69 to study histology online courses. Practice Nervous Tissue MCQ with answers PDF, Synapses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Synapses Quiz App Download: Free learning app for testes: seminiferous tubules, layers of retina and pigment epithelium, elements of neural retina, uterine tube and uterus, synapses test prep for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

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Synapses Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 69

MCQ 341: The synapse that forms between the axon of one neuron and dendrites of another neuron, referred to as

  1. Axosomatic synapse
  2. Axodendritic synapse
  3. Axoaxonix synapse
  4. synapse

MCQ 342: The cells of the endometrium which are non-ciliated, called as

  1. ciliary vessels
  2. secretory cells
  3. lamina fusca
  4. lamina propria

MCQ 343: The photosensitive pigment in the cones, named as

  1. iodopsin
  2. melanin
  3. myoglobin
  4. bilirubin

MCQ 344: The evagination of the forebrain that is developed by the retina is called

  1. optic vesicle
  2. optic stalk
  3. neural retina
  4. zonular fibers

MCQ 345: The length of the seminiferous tubules is about

  1. 20 cm
  2. 30 cm
  3. 50 cm
  4. 60 cm

Histology Exam Prep Tests

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