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General Zoology Practice Test 5

Species and Speciation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 5

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Species and Speciation Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 5

MCQ 21: When the subpopulations are geographically isolated from each other, the process is known as

A) allopatric speciation
B) post mating isolations
C) premating isolations
D) speciation

MCQ 22: In some reptiles, the eggs are deposited outside the body of the female, termed as

A) viviparous
B) oviparous
C) ovoviviparous
D) egg lying

MCQ 23: Sensory organs and nervous system arises from the

A) mesoderm
B) ectoderm
C) endoderm
D) germ cell

MCQ 24: The X shaped structure is visible at the point of crossing over is called

A) junction
B) synapsis
C) chiasma
D) chromatid

MCQ 25: The nerves that transmit the impulse to the central nervous system is called

A) sensory neuron
B) motor neuron
C) sympathetic system
D) parasympathetic system

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

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