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Chapter 7: SAT Physics Exam Tests

SAT Physics MCQs - Chapter 7

SAT Physics: Pressure Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

The e-Book SAT Physics Pressure Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), SAT Physics Pressure MCQ Quiz PDF download, test 1 to study free physics Online Course. Practice Gas Pressure MCQs, SAT Physics Pressure trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The SAT Physics Pressure MCQs App Download: Free learning app for pressure in liquids career test for college entrance exams.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Natural pressure within our bodies is about; "SAT Physics Pressure" App Download (Free) with answers 1 atmosphere, 2 atmosphere, half atmosphere and 1.5 atmosphere to learn e-learning courses. Solve gas pressure quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online SAT practice test.

SAT Physics Pressure Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The natural pressure within our bodies is about

A) 2 atmosphere
B) 1 atmosphere
C) half atmosphere
D) 1.5 atmosphere

MCQ 2: A rectangular block with base area A of 30 cm2 and height h of 0.06 m is submerged in water of density 1000 kg m-3. What is the pressure due to the water acting on the top surface of the block?

A) 5 × 102 Pa
B) 3 × 102 Pa
C) 6 × 102 Pa
D) 10 × 102 Pa

MCQ 3: The air pressure at high altitudes is

A) lower than 1 atmosphere
B) 1 atmosphere
C) more than 1 atmosphere
D) 2 atmosphere

MCQ 4: The value of the pressure exerted by the layer of air at sea level is commonly referred to as

A) 2 atmosphere
B) 1 atmosphere
C) half atmosphere
D) 1.5 atmosphere

MCQ 5: A rectangular block with base area A of 30 cm2 and height h of 0.06 m is submerged in water of density 1000 kg m-3. What is the force exerted by the water acting on the top of the block?

A) 0.18 N
B) 1.8 N
C) 18 N
D) 180 N

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