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Chapter 4: SAT Biology Exam Tests

SAT Biology MCQs - Chapter 4

Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

Free Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio MCQ Quiz PDF, test 1 to study online biology Course. Practice Surface Area and Volume Ratio MCQs, Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio MCQs App Download & e-Book for osmosis career test for online SAT practice test.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Cell is considered to be easier by assuming it as; "Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio" App Download (Free) with answers 3d, 2d, 4d and electronic to learn online certification courses. Solve surface area and volume ratio quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for college entrance test.

Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: Cell is considered to be easier by assuming it as

A) 2D
B) 3D
C) 4D
D) electronic

MCQ 2: Turgor pressure is responsible for folding of leaflets of

A) Eleusine coracana
B) Eleusine coracana
C) Oryza sativa
D) mimosa plant

MCQ 3: In plants turgor pressure is a pressure exerted by water on

A) cell membrane
B) cell wall
C) nuclear membrane
D) nucleus

MCQ 4: In plant cells water enters by

A) osmosis
B) water potential
C) turgor
D) diffusion

MCQ 5: The term isotonic only applies on

A) flame cell
B) nerve cell
C) animal cell
D) hydra cell

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Diffusion Osmosis and Surface Area Volume Ratio App (Android & iOS)

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SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)