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MBA Project Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Project Management Practice Test 114

Requirements and Principles of Negotiation MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 114

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Requirements and Principles of Negotiation Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 114

MCQ 566: Attention should be given to finding standards, it can be used to determine the

A) Performance
B) Cost Estimates
C) Quality
D) Solutions

MCQ 567: The output of a scoring model is strictly a

A) Relative measure
B) Absolute measure
C) Selective measure
D) Reflective measure

MCQ 568: The fourth task to be achieved at the Project formation phase is

A) Resource Allocation
B) Establishing Organizational Structure
C) Establishing communication
D) Budgeting

MCQ 569: Those who have a vested interest in the outcome of the negotiations, are

A) Parties-at-Interest
B) Parties -at-win
C) Negotiators
D) Management

MCQ 570: Scoring models are a direct reflection of

A) Managerial policy
B) Organizational policy
C) Strategic policy
D) All of the Above

MBA Project Management Exam Prep Tests

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Requirements and Principles of Negotiation App (Android & iOS)

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