MBA: Management Courses

Chapter 4: MBA Project Management Exam Tests

MBA Project Management MCQs - Chapter 4

Management of Conflicts and Negotiation Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

Free Management of Conflicts and Negotiation Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Management of Conflicts and Negotiation MCQ Quiz PDF, test 1 to study online advance project management Course. Practice Negotiation and Project Management MCQs, Management of Conflicts and Negotiation trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Management of Conflicts and Negotiation MCQs App Download & e-Book for partnering, chartering and scope change, requirements and principles of negotiation career test for easiest online MBA programs to get into.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Favored technique for resolving conflict is; "Management of Conflicts and Negotiation" App Download (Free) with answers conciliation, negotiating, removal of participants and not entertaining them to study online training courses. Solve negotiation and project management quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for fastest online MBA program.

Management of Conflicts and Negotiation Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The favored technique for resolving conflict is

A) Negotiating
B) Conciliation
C) Removal of participants
D) Not entertaining them

MCQ 2: Risk of scope change caused by increased user knowledge can be managed by improving the communication with the client and establishment of a

A) Formal process to handle change
B) Informal process to handle change
C) Compromises to handle change
D) Interface to handle change

MCQ 3: The Fourth Point of Principled Negotiation is

A) Invent options for mutual gain
B) Insist on using objective criteria
C) Separate the people from the problem
D) Focus on interests, not positions

MCQ 4: "Objective is to find a solution so that no party can be made better off without making another party worse off", was said by

A) Wall's solution
B) Roget's solution
C) Pareto-optimal solution
D) Cohen solution

MCQ 5: The way in which organizations facilitate the conflict integration is to establish

A) Lateral relations
B) Former Relations
C) Formal Relations
D) Basic relative relations

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Management of Conflicts and Negotiation App (Android & iOS)

Management of Conflicts and Negotiation App (Android & iOS)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (Android & iOS)