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Pressure Physics Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Pressure physics worksheet with answers PDF, pressure physics MCQ with answers to practice O level physics test 87 for online job interview. Practice Pressure in Physics trivia questions and answers, pressure physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free pressure physics MCQs, electromagnetic waves, melting and solidification, introduction to light, temperature scales, pressure physics test prep for GRE test prep classes.

"Pressure in gases is due to", pressure physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices bombardment of molecules on the base of container, bombardment of molecules on walls of container, collision of molecules in the container, and the atmosphere to learn online schools courses. Learn pressure in physics questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for accredited online college courses. Pressure Physics Video

Trivia Quiz on Pressure Physics PDF Download eBook

Pressure Physics Quiz

MCQ: Pressure in gases is due to

  1. Bombardment of molecules on walls of container
  2. Bombardment of molecules on the base of container
  3. collision of molecules in the container
  4. The atmosphere


Temperature Scales Quiz

MCQ: Formula for resistance thermometer of resistance is

  1. θ °C = ((Rθ - R0)/(R100 - R0)) × 100
  2. θ °C =((R0 - R100)/(Rθ - R0)) × 100
  3. θ °C = ((1100 - R0)/(R0 - 1θ)) × 100
  4. θ °C = ((Rθ - R100)/(Rθ - R0) × 100


Introduction to Light Quiz

MCQ: Moon is a good example of

  1. Luminous objects
  2. Non-luminous objects
  3. Transparent objects
  4. Opaque objects


Melting and Solidification Quiz

MCQ: When there is no change of state, upon heating the temperature would

  1. increase
  2. decrease
  3. remain constant
  4. may increase or decrease


Electromagnetic Waves Quiz

MCQ: Wave with highest frequency is

  1. radio waves
  2. infrared
  3. ultraviolet
  4. gamma rays