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Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Practice Test PDF Download p. 69

Learn "Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Quiz", waves marine and sub aerial processes MCQs with answers 69 to prep O level geography certificate online course. Coastal environment quiz questions and answers, waves marine and sub aerial processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free "Waves Marine and sub aerial processes" MCQs, a case study of international migration, globalization of industrial activity, internal migration, soils and vegetation, waves marine and sub aerial processes test prep for online colleges for teaching.

Learn waves marine and sub aerial processes Multiple Choice Question (MCQs): which occurs when speed of water against a rock produced mechanical weathering known as, with choices erosion, hydraulic action, weathering, and compression to study distance learning courses. Learn coastal environment questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for college entrance exams.

Quiz on Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Worksheet 69

Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Quiz

MCQ: Which occurs when speed of water against a rock produced mechanical weathering known as

  1. erosion
  2. hydraulic action
  3. weathering
  4. compression


Soils and vegetation Quiz

MCQ: Excess use of farmland is known as

  1. over grazing
  2. desertification
  3. over cultivation
  4. grazing


Internal Migration Quiz

MCQ: When large number of people move from urban areas to rural areas, this type of migration is known as

  1. internal displacement
  2. voluntary migration
  3. counter urbanization
  4. depopulation


Globalization of Industrial Activity Quiz

MCQ: Which one of them divides production into different skills and tasks that are spread across regions and countries is known as

  1. transitional loan
  2. new international division of labor
  3. newly industrialized countries
  4. none of above


A case study of International Migration Quiz

MCQ: For the sake of job sometimes people migrate from one place to another, this type of migration is known as

  1. voluntary migration
  2. labor migration
  3. stepped migration
  4. chain migration