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Coastal Landforms of cliffed and constructive Coasts Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download p. 41

Learn "Coastal Landforms of cliffed and constructive Coasts Quiz", coastal landforms of cliffed and constructive coasts MCQs with answers 41 to prep O level geography certificate online course. Coastal environment quiz questions and answers, coastal landforms of cliffed and constructive coasts Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free "Coastal Landforms of cliffed and constructive Coasts" MCQs, trade flow and trading patterns, sustainable energy supplies, hazardous environment resulting from mass movement, global distribution of tectonic hazards, coastal landforms of cliffed and constructive coasts test prep for best accredited online colleges.

Learn coastal landforms of cliffed and constructive coasts Multiple Choice Question (MCQs): Landform alongside a body of water mostly consists of loose particles known as, with choices waterfall, beach, ice land, and river cliff to study online certificate courses. Learn coastal environment questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges for science.

Quiz on Coastal Landforms of cliffed and constructive Coasts Worksheet 41

Coastal Landforms of cliffed and constructive Coasts Quiz

MCQ: Landform alongside a body of water mostly consists of loose particles known as

  1. waterfall
  2. beach
  3. ice land
  4. river cliff


Global distribution of tectonic hazards Quiz

MCQ: Rocks which are formed due to the cooling and deposition of magma is known as

  1. molten material
  2. molten magma
  3. molten lava
  4. molten rock


Hazardous Environment resulting from Mass Movement Quiz

MCQ: Deformation of material due to imposed stress is known as

  1. atolls
  2. lateral pressure
  3. shear stress
  4. none of above


Sustainable Energy supplies Quiz

MCQ: Wood which is used as a fuel is known as

  1. solar energy
  2. fuel wood
  3. repowering
  4. biofuels


Trade flow and Trading Patterns Quiz

MCQ: Characteristics in which one trade depends on previous trade known as

  1. visible trade
  2. invisible trade
  3. biodiversity
  4. trade dependency