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Human Activities and Impacts Earth's Environment Practice Test PDF Download p. 237

Learn Human activities and impacts earth's environment worksheet with answers PDF, human activities and impacts earth's environment MCQ with answers to practice O level environmental management test for online job interview. Practice Biosphere trivia questions and answers, human activities and impacts earth's environment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free human activities and impacts earth's environment MCQs, farming systems, agricultural techniques and management, el nino and effects, atmosphere: structure composition and energy source, means of rainforest destruction, human activities and impacts earth's environment test prep for free online college classes.

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Trivia Quiz on Human Activities and Impacts Earth's Environment PDF Download

Human Activities and Impacts Earth's Environment Quiz

MCQ: In which part of afghanistan people were nomadic shepherd?

  1. Drier Parts
  2. Rainfall Parts
  3. Wet Areas
  4. Mountain Areas


Means of Rainforest Destruction Quiz

MCQ: How naural process causes desertification?

  1. More rainfall
  2. More productivity
  3. Deline in rainfall
  4. More productivity


Atmosphere: Structure Composition and Energy Source Quiz

MCQ: Why the top layer of stratosphere is warmest?

  1. Due to Sunlight
  2. Due to the presence of Ozone
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of them


El Nino and Effects Quiz

MCQ: The energy is drived to the system through by

  1. Coal
  2. Sunlight
  3. Fossil Fuels
  4. Plants


Farming Systems, Agricultural Techniques and Management Quiz

MCQ: What are the physical inputs of farming?

  1. Climate / Soil/ Human Input
  2. Climate / water/ Human Input
  3. Vegetation/ Soil/ Human Input
  4. Climate / Air/ Human Input