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Southern Ocean Practice Test PDF Download p. 228

Learn Southern ocean worksheet with answers PDF, southern ocean MCQ with answers to practice O level environmental management test for online job interview. Practice Lithosphere trivia questions and answers, southern ocean Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free southern ocean MCQs, biomes and distribution, water related diseases, southern ocean test prep for free online college courses.

"The ability of soil to supply nutrients to the plants is known as", southern ocean Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices food, nutrients, aeration, and photosynthesis to learn online classes courses. Learn lithosphere questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for accredited online college courses.

Trivia Quiz on Southern Ocean PDF Download

Southern Ocean Quiz

MCQ: The ability of soil to supply nutrients to the plants is known as

  1. Nutrients
  2. Food
  3. Aeration
  4. Photosynthesis


Water Related Diseases Quiz

MCQ: The mosquitoes breed in

  1. Stagnant Water
  2. Lakes
  3. Ponds
  4. All of them


Biomes and Distribution Quiz

MCQ: Which desert plants has sunken stomata, which close their opening during day time to reduce water loss?

  1. Succulents
  2. Acacia
  3. Clumps
  4. Cacti


Physical Factors for Adaptations Quiz

MCQ: Why the range of fishing was limited to home port?

  1. Due to Limited Fuel
  2. Due to default in the Boat
  3. Less technological advancement
  4. All of them


Biomes and Distribution Quiz

MCQ: What is the life cycle of plants in tundra biome?

  1. 30 to 60 days
  2. 50 days
  3. 70 to 80 days
  4. 10 to 30 days