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Fossil Fuels and Energy Practice Test PDF Download p. 192

Learn Fossil fuels and energy worksheet with answers PDF, fossil fuels and energy MCQ with answers to practice O level environmental management test for online job interview. Practice Lithosphere trivia questions and answers, fossil fuels and energy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free fossil fuels and energy MCQs, soils formation, composition and uses, alternative energy resources, habitat destruction and effects on species, competition for water supply, fossil fuels and energy test prep for colleges that offer online courses.

"Which method of mining is used, when the seams of coal lie to far below the surface?", fossil fuels and energy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices opencast mining, deep mining, deep and open cast mining, and drilling to learn online schools courses. Learn lithosphere questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for colleges offering online degree programs.

Trivia Quiz on Fossil Fuels and Energy PDF Download

Fossil Fuels and Energy Quiz

MCQ: Which method of mining is used, when the seams of coal lie to far below the surface?

  1. Deep mining
  2. Opencast mining
  3. Deep and open cast mining
  4. Drilling


Competition for Water Supply Quiz

MCQ: Which countries extremely uses underground water

  1. Iran
  2. Pakistan
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Saudi Arabia


Habitat Destruction and effects on Species Quiz

MCQ: Which land is described as the kidneys of the landscape?

  1. Wetlands
  2. Coastal Areas
  3. Mountains
  4. Glacials


Alternative Energy Resources Quiz

MCQ: Heat from the light of the sun using solar panels and photovoltaic cells are known as

  1. Solar energy
  2. Wind energy
  3. Hydro-energy
  4. Renewable energy


Soils Formation, Composition and Uses Quiz

MCQ: The good balance in the pore spaces between sand and clay gives a supply of

  1. Air
  2. water
  3. Mineral
  4. A & B