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Over Fishing and Consequences Practice Test PDF Download p. 186

Learn Over fishing and consequences worksheet with answers PDF, over fishing and consequences MCQ with answers to practice O level environmental management test for online job interview. Practice Biosphere trivia questions and answers, over fishing and consequences Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free over fishing and consequences MCQs, water quality improvement and supply, climatic hazards, causes and occurrence, em: effects of acid rain, climatic hazards, impacts and strategies for reduction, over fishing and consequences test prep for colleges that offer online degrees.

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Trivia Quiz on Over Fishing and Consequences PDF Download

Over Fishing and Consequences Quiz

MCQ: The total of all the individuals of the same species in an ecosystem is known as

  1. Community
  2. Population
  3. Ecosystem
  4. Biosphere


Climatic Hazards, Impacts and Strategies for Reduction Quiz

MCQ: Pakistan is a water

  1. No Scarcity country
  2. Medium scarcity
  3. Low scarcity
  4. High scarcity


EM: Effects of Acid Rain Quiz

MCQ: The pH above 7 is

  1. Basic
  2. Acidic
  3. Neutral
  4. None of them


Climatic Hazards, Causes and Occurrence Quiz

MCQ: What is a social loss in natural disaster?

  1. Death of friends & family
  2. Loss of infrastructure
  3. Loss of Basic needs of life
  4. Shocks


Water Quality Improvement and Supply Quiz

MCQ: What percentage of fresh water available in the atmosphere?

  1. 0.03%
  2. 0.30%
  3. 0.04%
  4. 0.01%