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Examples of Energy Sources Practice Test PDF Download p. 138

Learn Examples of energy sources worksheet with answers PDF, examples of energy sources MCQ with answers to practice O level environmental management test for online job interview. Practice Lithosphere trivia questions and answers, examples of energy sources Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free examples of energy sources MCQs, over fishing and consequences, water, solar and wind power sources, effects of ocean currents, earthquakes impacts on people, examples of energy sources test prep for best accredited online colleges.

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Trivia Quiz on Examples of Energy Sources PDF Download

Examples of Energy Sources Quiz

MCQ: The process of crushing, refining and smelting, produce fume and dust which causes which pollution

  1. Air pollution
  2. Waste pollution
  3. Water Pollution
  4. Industrial Pollution


Earthquakes Impacts on People Quiz

MCQ: What was the magnitude of earthquake at Sumatra in 2007?

  1. 8.7
  2. 8.5
  3. 8.2
  4. 8.3


Effects of Ocean Currents Quiz

MCQ: The principal effects of a cold ocean current on the climate is to reduce the amount of

  1. Cold Currents
  2. Rain
  3. wind
  4. Water


Water, Solar and Wind Power Sources Quiz

MCQ: An increasing number of turbines are being placed offshore, partly to take advantage of stronger

  1. Sea
  2. waves
  3. Winds
  4. Oceans


Over Fishing and Consequences Quiz

MCQ: Oceans occupy what percent of earth's surface?

  1. 80%
  2. 50%
  3. 70%
  4. 30%