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Environmental Management Practice Test 1

Biomes and Distribution Quiz Questions and Answers PDF

The e-Book Biomes and Distribution Quiz Questions, biomes and distribution quiz answers PDF download, chapter 3-1 to study free environmental management online courses. Practice Biosphere MCQ with answers PDF, Biomes and Distribution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Biomes and Distribution Quiz App Download: Free learning app for sustainable forest management techniques, examples of energy sources, sustainable development, climatic hazards, impacts and strategies for reduction, biomes and distribution test prep for online college bachelor degree.

The Quiz: Which biome has a long dry season; "Biomes and Distribution" App Download (Free) with answers cool temperate, tundra, tropical rain forest and savanna to learn online IGCSE GCSE courses. Solve biosphere questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online colleges that offer financial aid.

Biomes and Distribution Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1: Which biome has a long dry season?

A) Tundra
B) Cool Temperate
C) Tropical Rain Forest
D) Savanna

MCQ 2: What is the last option people when food and shelter is not arrived in drought stricken areas?

A) Migration
B) Fatality
C) Malnutrition
D) All of them

MCQ 3: The contaminated substances leak into the ground and are carried by filtration into ground water supplies known as

A) Air pollution
B) Water Pollution
C) Noise Pollution
D) Land Contamination

MCQ 4: Scientists are looking for new ways of generating hydrogen from most renewable energy

A) Solar energy
B) Wind energy
C) Coal
D) Sunlight

MCQ 5: Its is estimated that the world fish stock has reached at the point, where commercial fishing is no longer

A) Sustainable
B) Unsustainable
C) Under Thread
D) Risk

Environmental Management Exam Prep Tests

Biomes and Distribution Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Biomes and Distribution App (Android & iOS)

Biomes and Distribution App (Android & iOS)

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