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Valence Electrons Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Valence electrons quiz questions and answers PDF, valence electrons MCQ with answers to solve O level chemistry worksheet 88 for online past papers exam. Practice Structure of Atom quiz questions with answers, valence electrons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free valence electrons MCQs, salts: hydrogen of acids, atoms and elements, mineral acids: general properties, exothermic reactions, valence electrons test prep for online degrees.

"The first element in the periodic table to have 8 valence electrons in the third shell is", valence electrons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices chlorine, silicon, argon, and potassium to learn online schools courses. Learn structure of atom questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for colleges that offer online degrees.

Quiz on Valence Electrons PDF Download eBook

Valence Electrons Quiz

MCQ: The first element in the periodic table to have 8 valence electrons in the third shell is

  1. silicon
  2. chlorine
  3. argon
  4. potassium


Exothermic Reactions Quiz

MCQ: Exothermic reactions do not include

  1. upon heating, hydrogen results in water
  2. neutralization of acids and alkalis
  3. respiration
  4. breaking of chemical bond


Mineral Acids: General Properties Quiz

MCQ: What is true about mineral acids?

  1. they have simpler structures
  2. they are naturally occurring
  3. they are less corrosive
  4. none of above


Atoms and Elements Quiz

MCQ: What is true about Brass?

  1. it is a combination of nitrogen and sulphur
  2. a combination of copper and zinc
  3. it is a combination of copper and tin
  4. it is an alloy


Salts: Hydrogen of Acids Quiz

MCQ: While forming soluble salts, acid is added to the metal until there is no more

  1. precipitation
  2. polymerization
  3. H2 gas
  4. saturation