O Level Courses

Chapter 14: IGCSE O Level Chemistry Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 14

Structure of Atom MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

The e-Book Structure of Atom Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Structure of Atom MCQ PDF download, test 2 to learn free IGCSE O Level Chemistry Online Course. Solve Valence Electrons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Structure of Atom quiz answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Structure of Atom MCQ App Download: Free educational app for valence electrons, periodic table: o level chemistry, proton and nucleon number career test for online colleges for science.

The MCQ: In the periodic table, valence electrons are indicated by; "Structure of Atom" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers shell number, group number, period number and atomic mass to study online IGCSE courses. Practice valence electrons quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for best online ACT prep class.

Structure of Atom Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: In the periodic table, valence electrons are indicated by

A) Group Number
B) Shell Number
C) Period Number
D) Atomic mass

MCQ 7: Elements with 4-7 valence electrons are referred to as

A) metals
B) non-metals
C) inert gases
D) transition metals

MCQ 8: If the nucleon (mass) and proton (atomic) number is 40 and 20 respectively, the element is

A) chlorine
B) phosphorus
C) potassium
D) calcium

MCQ 9: If the number of protons and electrons are 8 respectively, the valence electrons are

A) 2 in number
B) 4 in number
C) 6 in number
D) 8 in number

MCQ 10: Elements in the same period may have

A) different number of neutrons
B) same number of shells
C) different number of electrons
D) all of above

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Structure of Atom App (Android & iOS)

Structure of Atom App (Android & iOS)

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