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Biology Test Online Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Biology test online worksheet with answers PDF, biology test online MCQ with answers to practice O level biology test 135 for online job interview. Practice Nutrition in General trivia questions and answers, biology test online Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free biology test online MCQs, conservation: fishing grounds, nutrition: glycogen, excretion in biology, biology tests online, biology test online test prep for SAT prep classes.

"Enzyme to digest starch (C6H10O5)n to sugar maltose (C12H22O11) is", biology test online Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices amylase, protease, pepsin, and maltase for online certificate programs. Learn nutrition in general questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online degrees.

Trivia Quiz on Biology Test Online PDF Download eBook

Biology Test Online Quiz

MCQ: Enzyme to digest starch (C6H10O5)n to sugar maltose (C12H22O11) is

  1. protease
  2. amylase
  3. pepsin
  4. maltase


Biology Tests Online Quiz

MCQ: In transportation active transport

  1. does not require energy
  2. can take place against concentration gradient
  3. can not be done by root cells
  4. is harmful for living cells


Excretion in Biology Quiz

MCQ: Excretory substances in animals include

  1. oxygen
  2. water
  3. organic foods
  4. Energy


Nutrition: Glycogen Quiz

MCQ: Which is true about Glycogen (C6H10O5)n

  1. soluble in water
  2. a form of fats
  3. insoluble in water
  4. a form of protein


Conservation: Fishing Grounds Quiz

MCQ: Indiscriminate fishing shall be

  1. encouraged
  2. discouraged
  3. promoted
  4. taken to the next level