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Exergy Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook p. 8

Exergy quiz questions, exergy multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare thermodynamics exam worksheet 8 for online certificate programs. Practice Second Law of Thermodynamics quiz with answers, exergy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve thermodynamics test with answers to prepare engineering courses for online degrees. Free exergy MCQs, polytropic process, reversible non flow processes, exergy test prep for online engineering graduate colleges.

"Ratio of increase of exergy of surroundings to loss of exergy of system is called", exergy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices enthalpy, effectiveness, entropy, and work done for online degree programs. Learn second law of thermodynamics questions and answers with free online certification courses for undergraduate engineering schools.

Exergy Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Exergy Quiz

MCQ: The ratio of increase of exergy of surroundings to loss of exergy of system is called

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Enthalpy
  3. Entropy
  4. work done


Reversible non flow processes Quiz

MCQ: In an isothermal process, internal energy

  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. remains constant
  4. first increases then decreases


Polytropic Process Quiz

MCQ: In polytropic expansion process, work done is

  1. Zero
  2. Positive
  3. Negative
  4. Infinite


Perfect Gas Quiz

MCQ: The mass of any substance per amount of substance is called

  1. Relative Mass
  2. Molar Mass
  3. Atomic Mass
  4. Total Mass


Perfect Gas Quiz

MCQ: If there is no heat transferred during the process, it is called

  1. Isobaric
  2. Isothermal
  3. Polytrophic
  4. Adiabatic