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Transformation of Equation Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook p. 8

Transformation of Equation quiz questions, transformation of equation multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare computational fluid dynamics exam worksheet 8 for online certificate programs. Practice Transformation Grid quiz with answers, transformation of equation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve cfd test with answers to prepare engineering courses for online degrees. Free transformation of equation MCQs, introduction transformation grid, purpose of cfd, transformation of equation test prep for employment assessment test.

"Triangular mesh is common in", transformation of equation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices unstructured mesh, structured mesh, dirichlet mesh, and none of above to learn online schools courses. Learn transformation grid questions and answers with free online certification courses for engineering graduate colleges.

Transformation of Equation Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Transformation of Equation Quiz

MCQ: Triangular mesh is common in

  1. Structured mesh
  2. unstructured mesh
  3. Dirichlet mesh
  4. none of above


Purpose of CFD Quiz

MCQ: The smallest section of nozzle is called

  1. venturi
  2. duct
  3. throat
  4. divergent


Introduction Transformation Grid Quiz

MCQ: The angular deviation of the vector located at the face center from the vector connecting the two cell centers called

  1. mesh orthogonality
  2. mesh skewness
  3. mesh aspect ratio
  4. mesh smoothness


Introduction Transformation Grid Quiz

MCQ: If scalar flux across the boundary is zero, values of properties just adjacent to the solution domain are taken as

  1. maximum
  2. zero
  3. minimum
  4. values of nearest node


Momentum equation Quiz

MCQ: The forces which act directly on volumetric mass of fluid element called

  1. fluid forces
  2. body forces
  3. direct forces
  4. fluid forces