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Missense and Nonsense Codons Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Missense and Nonsense Codons trivia questions and answers, missense and nonsense codons quiz answers PDF to solve MCAT mock test 108 for online degrees. Learn Genetic Code trivia questions and answers, missense and nonsense codons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve MCAT biology test with answers for online university degrees. Free missense and nonsense codons MCQs, dna molecules replication, structure of proteins, intercellular junctions, water soluble vitamins, missense and nonsense codons test prep for online assessment test for jobs.

"When the mutation in codon may not produce any change in translation than it is called", missense and nonsense codons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices silent mutation, point mutation, missense mutation, and nonsense mutation to learn certification courses online. Learn genetic code questions and answers with free online certification courses for MCAT online course.

Trivia Quiz on Missense and Nonsense Codons PDF Download eBook

Missense and Nonsense Codons Quiz

MCQ: When the mutation in codon may not produce any change in translation than it is called

  1. point mutation
  2. silent mutation
  3. missense mutation
  4. nonsense mutation


Water Soluble Vitamins Quiz

MCQ: The number of water soluble vitamins is

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 9
  4. 5


Intercellular Junctions Quiz

MCQ: Gap junction allows the exchange of

  1. solutions
  2. solutes
  3. solvent
  4. Water only


Structure of Proteins Quiz

MCQ: The process in which an optically active compound is converted into optically inactive compound, is called

  1. formylation
  2. amidation
  3. racemization
  4. Phosphorylation


DNA Molecules Replication Quiz

MCQ: The complementary RNA bases to 3' ends of DNA strand are added by

  1. polymerase
  2. telomerase
  3. gyrase
  4. helicase