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MCAT Biology Practice Test 153

MCAT: Oxidative Phosphorylation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 153

The e-Book MCAT Oxidative Phosphorylation Quiz Questions, mcat oxidative phosphorylation quiz answers PDF download, chapter 21-153 to study free mcat biology online courses. Practice Oxidative Phosphorylation MCQ with answers PDF, mcat oxidative phosphorylation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The MCAT: Oxidative Phosphorylation Quiz App Download: Free learning app for mcat: oxidative phosphorylation, anabolism of fats, atp synthase and chemiosmotic coupling, recombination, telomeres and centromeres test prep for best MCAT tutors.

The Quiz: Number of ATP's produced during the kerb's cycle is; "MCAT: Oxidative Phosphorylation" App Download (Free) with answers 30 atp's, 2 atp's, 34 atp's and 36 atp's to study online courses. Solve oxidative phosphorylation questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for college admission test.

MCAT: Oxidative Phosphorylation Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 153

MCQ 761: The number of ATP's produced during the kerb's cycle is

  1. 2 ATP's
  2. 30 ATP's
  3. 34 ATP's
  4. 36 ATP's

MCQ 762: Biosynthesis of complex molecules from simpler forms is called

  1. anabolism
  2. catabolism
  3. metabolism
  4. none of above

MCQ 763: The measure of potential energy stored as combination of proton and voltage gradients across membrane is termed as

  1. electron motive force
  2. proton motive force
  3. ion motive force
  4. molecule motive force

MCQ 764: The enzymes that catalyze the strand transfer step during recombination are called as

  1. recombinases
  2. transferases
  3. helicase
  4. gyrase

MCQ 765: Part of chromosome that links sister chromatids is called

  1. telomere
  2. centromere
  3. isomer
  4. polymer

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