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Chapter 5: MCAT Biology Exam Tests

MCAT Biology MCQs - Chapter 5

DNA Replication Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 2

The Book DNA Replication Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), DNA Replication MCQ PDF Download, Free Ch. 5-2 to learn mcat biology Online Course. Solve Mutations Repair Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), DNA Replication quiz with answers to prepare for job interview. The DNA Replication MCQ App Download: Free educational app for mutations repair, mechanism of replication, semiconservative nature of replication career test for online college admission.

The MCQ Quiz: Change in nucleotide sequence of a short region of genome is called; "DNA Replication" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers recombination, replication, repair and mutation to study e-learning courses. Practice mutations repair quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for MCAT practice test.

DNA Replication Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: The change in nucleotide sequence of a short region of genome is called

  1. replication
  2. recombination
  3. repair
  4. mutation

MCQ 7: All the biological DNA synthesis occurs from the

  1. 3' end to 5' end
  2. 5' end to 3' end
  3. both A and B
  4. none of above

MCQ 8: If replication was completely conservative than

  1. one heavy and one light strand would be seen
  2. both heavy strands would be seen
  3. both light strands would be seen
  4. Normal strands

MCQ 9: The strand that contains okazaki fragments is

  1. leading strand
  2. lagging strand
  3. RNA
  4. Replication fork

MCQ 10: The synthesis that proceeds in the direction of the replication fork is the

  1. leading strand
  2. lagging strand
  3. parent strand
  4. Neutral strand

DNA Replication Learning App & Free Apps (Android, iOS)

Download DNA Replication MCQ App to learn MCAT Biology MCQs, SAT Biology MCQs App, and Phylum MCQs App. Free "DNA Replication" App to download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

DNA Replication App (Android & iOS)

DNA Replication App (Android & iOS)

MCAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

MCAT Biology App (iOS & Android)

SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (iOS & Android)