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Supply and Demand Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 5 PDF Download

Supply and Demand Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), supply and demand quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 5 for online MBA degree programs.

"When customers raise the quantity demanded at a specified price, known as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on supply and demand with choices increase in supply, decrease in demand, increase in demand, and increase in cost for online masters programs. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning demand quiz questions for online schools for business administration.

MCQs on Supply and Demand Quiz 5 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: When customers raise quantity demanded at a specified price, known as

  1. decrease in demand
  2. increase in supply
  3. increase in demand
  4. increase in cost


MCQ: demand curve is approximately for all time characterized as downward-sloping, implication that as price decreases, customers will buy more of product related to

  1. law of supply
  2. law of marginal utility
  3. demand curve
  4. law of demand


MCQ: curve is normally positively sloped is

  1. supply curve
  2. demand curve
  3. demand
  4. law of supply


MCQ: Revolutionize that diminish demand are

  1. decrease in price of a substitute
  2. increase in price of a complement
  3. a&b
  4. Population size and composition


MCQ: A movement of curve to left is

  1. supply decreases
  2. demand decreases
  3. demand increases
  4. supply increases