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MBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 32

Pay Structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 32

The Book Pay Structures MCQs, Pay Structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download, Free Ch. 1-32 to learn management online courses. Solve Compensation Strategies and Practices Test PDF, pay structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Pay Structures MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for pay structures, unionizing process, recruiting evaluation, base pay system development, global assignment management test prep for online college courses.

The MCQ Quiz: Situation in organization in which differences of individual pay with different level of performance becomes small is classified as; "Pay Structures" App APK Download (Free) with answers grade compression, pay compression, equity compression and matrix compression to study online certification courses. Study compensation strategies and practices questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online MBA programs.

Pay Structures Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 32

MCQ 156: The situation in organization in which differences of individual pay with different level of performance becomes small is classified as

  1. pay compression
  2. grade compression
  3. equity compression
  4. matrix compression

MCQ 157: The process in which a union is removed from the position of representative of workers is classified as

  1. certification
  2. decertification
  3. unionization
  4. all of the above

MCQ 158: In recruitment costs, the costs such as salaries of operating managers and public relation managers are classified as

  1. direct costs
  2. indirect costs
  3. labor costs
  4. marginal costs

MCQ 159: The factors that are common in group of jobs and are used to identify the value of job are called

  1. primacy factors
  2. exemption factors
  3. compensable factors
  4. equity factors

MCQ 160: The global assignments in which the employees are sent to other countries for extended projects and return back after completing project are classified as

  1. technical assignments
  2. distant assignments
  3. functional assignments
  4. nonfunctional assignments

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

Pay Structures Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Pay Structures App (Android & iOS)

Pay Structures App (Android & iOS)

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