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MBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 16

HR Performance and Benchmarking Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 16

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HR Performance & Benchmarking Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 16

MCQ 76: The total number of employees are added into employee voluntary separations, to calculate

A) production turnover rate
B) investment turnover rate
C) volunteer turnover rate
D) employee hiring rate

MCQ 77: The forced distribution and ranking are considered as methods of

A) comparative methods
B) narrative methods
C) behavioral methods
D) category rating methods

MCQ 78: In an organization, the technique which plays significant role in person-organization fit after employee selection is classified as

A) job enhancement
B) job orientation
C) job enrichment
D) job enlargement

MCQ 79: Considering the forecasting periods, the plans that are for the tenure of one to five years are classified as

A) intermediate plans
B) long term plans
C) short term plans
D) all of the above

MCQ 80: The types of testing used in employee selection includes

A) personality tests
B) ability tests
C) integrity testing
D) all of the above

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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